Cleanrooms depend on precisely controlled environmental conditions. To minimize contamination risks and protect people and assets, their technological infrastructure must adhere to the most stringent quality standards. We draw on decades of experience to tailor our integrated clean room solutions to your facility's specific requirements. This way, we ensure that the cleanroom environment is being controlled, monitored and securely stored accordingly.
Our services involve in the design, installation and supply of different types of product, project control, site control, working to tight deadlines, working with other contractors, keeping costs under control, and most importantly giving our customers exactly what they want.
We can supply small one-room enclosures equally as well as large, multi-process, multi-roomed facilities. Projects have been designed and installed for pharmaceutical, aerospace, optronics, electronics, precision engineering, medical device manufacture, food production, biomedical, research institutions, plastics processes, computer repair, universities and many more.
We have been successfully designing, installing and maintaining cleanroom and environmentally controlled facilities for more than twenty years throughout Hong Kong, mainland China and Asia.
We design, procure materials and install facilities to satisfy demands of quality standards and legislation for those processes which must be carried out in a clean, particle-free atmosphere or in temperature or humidity controlled areas.
We are very flexible in our approach and are happy to understand your plans and expectations in order to advice on the most effective solution.